How to keep up your Halloween Spirit
This year’s Halloween promises to be anything but traditional. Trick-or-treating is the hallmark of the holiday and is being cancelled all over the country due to Covid-19. Although things will certainly have a different complexion this year, we highly recommend...
Fun Ideas for Your Labor Day Celebration
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, and traditionally the final “weekend” hurrah of the summer. It is a time to celebrate all that we've achieved and prospered through our collective hard work over the year. It is a day dedicated to family and friends, a day of...
Your Personalized Guide: Back to School
Getting ready to go back to school can be a stressful, but exciting time. There are doctors’ appointments and haircuts to schedule, and of course, school supplies to buy. Coronavirus has changed the way we interact, drastically impacting the experience of shopping and...
Spectator Sports Will Survive by Embracing Safety and Style
We Americans are not quitters - Basketball, Golf, Hockey, and Baseball seasons are returning - even if the stadiums must remain empty. Here’s how to enjoy Game Day while staying safe! Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and...
Finding the Perfect Gift for Father’s Day
Traditional and Modern Gifts for Father’s Day Every Dad is Different, and Personalized Gifts are Perfect for Each IndividualAfter the concept of having a day dedicated to honor mothers it was only natural that someone would suggest a day to honor dads, and that came...
2020 Graduation Gifts
A Personalized Graduation Gift will be Cherished for Years 2020 Graduation 2020 will be year remembered for a long time because of the Covid-19 Pandemic but students who have worked hard to attain their degrees or diplomas should not be slighted. All the hard work,...